
Now. Now. Now!

by Penelope Pauley


Oct 14, 2014

The power is in the present moment. Only this moment ever really exists. Live in the now!

I have proclaimed these emblems of spirituality and conscious living for decades now. Taught my students how to harness this “now” energy to create lives filled with success, joy and meaning. I’ve written courses and given speeches on the Quantum necessity of focusing on where you are in this very moment to take advantage of our only real power. Connection.

And yes connection only works in the now. Because this moment is the only one we have. But what if..

What if being in the now isn’t enough? What if we are in the now and completely in a funk? How do you “now” your way out of that? What if you are connecting to the negative? What if you are giving your thoughts over to the power of the dark side?

Because I’m here to say we all have a dark side. Whether or not you acknowledge it. Maybe not Darth Vader dark, but the potential is there. And sometimes your “now” is filled with fear and pain and hopelessness. Anger, jealousy and lack.

It happens!!

So maybe just being in the now isn’t enough. Maybe it’s what you DO in the now that matters. What your focus is.

Be the Light in the Now.

When you feel that negative stuff creeping up on you combat it with the Light. Remember something wonderful. Serve someone else. Take a walk in the beauty of nature. Look at how YOU can inspire the light in others. It will in turn lift you up. Now.

Your Light is powerful and you can shine it on whatever you choose. Yes.. Whatever YOU CHOOSE! Now.

Choose wisely. When you shine that Light you can see everything. You can see that silly argument for what it really is…fear. You can see your worry as a time waster. You can see that hopeless situation as another adventure. You can see that failure as a lesson and move on. You can see your path laid out before you.

But you must turn on your Light and shine it. Now. Even when the darkness creeps in. Especially when the darkness creeps in.

In the Now.
Expressing your Light.
And illuminating those around you.

You are here to serve and uplift. Don’t let the darkness convince you otherwise. Your light is too important.

Much love and LIGHT!
Penelope Pauley


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Penelope Pauley

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