Tom's Near Death Experience Reveals The Unbreakable
Connection Between Healing And Abundance

Secrets Behind My Miracle Healing

Tom Pauley and Penelope Pauley

Why Come Back?

On March 28, 2009 I suffered seven strokes and came as close to that final reckoning as anyone can get.

In a Near Death Experience I was given the choice of returning to a long, arduous recovery.

Why? Why would I choose to return when I could just as easily have gone on to what had the makings of one amazing celestial party?

Why come back?

Because I could do something incredibly important.

I was given the opportunity to fulfill my mission. To share with you the vision I was given.

I saw who we are, where we're going and what we have to do to get there.

I saw the amazing future ahead of us. And the steps we must take to get there.

Among these steps is understanding the permanent, unbreakable connection between healing and abundance.

This series of workshops is the first installment of what we intend as a well-spring of healing and abundance flowing from the One Source of All-Knowledge.

Who Needs A Miracle Healing

You do. We all do. The whole world needs a Miracle Healing.

We live in a world of infinite abundance. All you have to do to get anything you want is to ask and willing receive.

So, why do you want for anything? Why does anyone? Anywhere? Any time, any economy, any situation?

We all have issues that keep us from receiving. Issues dealing with money, relationships and physical dis-ease. We think that we can address each issue and thereby heal what's troubling us.

The problem is each issue is only a symptom or a greater cause. And the cause is buried within us.

We need to heal deep wounds struck upon our universal collective for centuries. So deep that they have become…well, human nature.

Oh, none of this is your fault. Yet, you suffer from it everyday.

* You don't have enough money to live the life you were born to live.

* You struggle with a job that is a poor match to your talents and abilities.

* You long for a loving partner, yet you find yourself alone, lonely and mystified.

* You feel devastated by a grievous and irreplaceable loss.

* You face health issues for which there is no cure, no coverage, no rhyme or reason.

No, none of the problems you face everyday are your fault.

Nor is it the fault of thieves, bullies, heartless corporations, dishonest governments or repressive economies.

They too are symptoms of the real cause.

Join us as we expose the real cause. And begin understanding the path to full embodiment of health, wealth and happiness…

Miracle Healing

Workshop 1

Boost Your Emotional Immunity
With Barb Rasor

Join Tom and Penelope Live! Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time for the first of four Workshops revealing powerful healing processes that have helped Tom in his Miracle Healing. Processes conventional authorities claim do not work!

Our special guest is the amazingly powerful, emotional intuitive, Barb Rasor.

She will tell you why Tom was able to have the Miracle Healing. What Tom did to prepare himself so that when the chips were down he could walk away from a vegetative state and resume his life. And what you can do to open the door to Miracle Healing for yourself.

Healing is a whole lot bigger than you think…

And most of it is invisible.

Buy Now Save!

Join Tom and Penelope Live! Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time. (MP3 included) for …

Boost Your Emotional Immunity
With Barb Rasor

Seating is limited. Suggested Price $97

Order now only $49

***Special Limited Offer***

All four Workshops are planned as a complete set. Each will build on the other to tell the whole story. Purchase the set now and we will do the unthinkable…give you one absolutely free.

All four workshops $196



Rich Dreams Publishing Post Office Box 3922 Laguna Hills CA, 92654-3922 Phone (949) 215-8628 | Contact, Copyright 1999-2007, Thomas L Pauley. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions